LOOK AT THAT VIEW! Pat and Kay live part time at La Barqueta which is in Chiriqui Province about 40 minutes southwest of David. Chiriqui Province is on the far western side of Panama. They came on a Panama Relocation Tour and were considering coming to Panama for a few months every year. But when they saw Panama and this beach house, they fell in love and decided to buy the house so they could spend more time in Panama. In this video, they share what their life is like living in Panama part time.
La Barqueta is known to have strong zip tides so it is better not to go in to the water unless you are a strong and experienced swimmer.
Pat mentioned that he cannot get insurance in Panama. He can always use the public hospitals where there is no monthly fee. And he can get insurance at the private hospitals but because he has a lot of preexisting conditions they would be excluded the first year or two then only covered at 50%. They go back to the United States for most of his medical care because it is covered with Medicare.
La Barqueta has a close knit expat community. David, the closest town, has an airport, several big hospitals, and a lot of shopping available.

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this seems quite appropriate, thanks Jackie
Curious about his “comparable costs (to US)” comment. Is he talking about BUYING beach property (as comparable)? Or something else? Is he saying we need to reduce our expectation of living standard down (to live cheaper than US) in Panama?
As for me, I’m looking to “rent” (forever) and live off SS. So that’s where I’m coming from.
Also, me mentioned about medical… I think Panama will always be cheaper, but I think he’s referring to insurance (paying the bill). Medicare isn’t cheap to have them pay 100% (like he said). At that point, he’s paying hundreds of dollars a month (for that).
Yes, he was talking about buying a beach house. That area is very expensive compared to other areas in Panama.
Medical insurance is affordable. If you’re between 60-69 it is $102 a month. If you are 70-75 it is $125 a month. But he has a lot of pre-existing conditions which would be excluded the first year.