You can’t just move to Panama, there are immigration rules for living in Panama!
Tourists can visit Panama for 30-180 days, depending on their country of origin. But to live in Panama full time, they need to get a residency visa. Panama offers many different visa programs.
The most affordable visa is the Pensionado Visa. To qualify, you must collect $1000USD per month in lifetime income plus an additional $250 for a spouse. It’s also the most affordable visa because most government fees are waived. A single person can get this visa for about $1200 – $1500 depending on which immigration attorney you are using. Of course, some lawyers charge twice as much as our lawyers.
If you don’t qualify for the Pensionado Visa, then the Friendly Nations Visa is an option. To qualify for the visa, you either need to
- Buy real estate worth at least $200,000 ( you can try to get a bank loan)
- Deposit $200,000 into a 3-year CD at a Panama bank, or (maybe SELF DIRECTED IRA)
- Get a job in Panama, and present a Labor Contract to apply for a visa. (VERY DIFFICULT)
None of those options sounds very friendly!
A Reforestation Visa also requires an investment of $80,000, Yikes!
But there’s a solution, and it only costs about $10,000!
You must meet strict rules to qualify, and our attorney will make sure the i’s are dotted and the t’s are crossed so you qualify. We’ve already helped many people get a visa this way!
Here’s the secret…
Instead of getting a job working for someone else, you can set up a Panama company with a SPECIAL corporation, get a business license, then the company can give you a Labor Contract so you can apply for a visa. You’ll also need a work permit. Our attorney has the entire process approved by immigration.
Unlike the old Friendly Nations Visa, this corporation must be in business. You will also need to be paid a salary of at least $1000 per month and registered with Social Security.
The total cost for the special corporation, business license, work permit, attorney fees, is about $10,000 with our immigration attorney.
That’s a lot better than spending $200,000 on real estate! We advise that it’s better to wait to buy real estate until you have lived in Panama for at least a year anyway! That gives you time to make sure you like living in Panama, like the area you have selected, and that you get more familiar with market prices.
Like all Friendly Nations Visas, you will get a temporary visa for two years. Then, you can convert it to an indefinite permanent visa.
Once you get your temporary visa, you can get a Panama driver’s license too.
You need to do this the right way, the legal way.
So I recommend you only work with the immigration lawyers we recommend who have already set this up for others. We know it works and has already been approved by immigration. Plus, their fees are a lot more affordable!
You should also know that the corporation will have annual renewal fees and reporting requirements. Your attorney can provide more details.
I also recommend that you visit Panama first to make sure you like it before you start the process of getting this Friendly Nations Visa. You don’t want to spend a lot of money to get a visa and then discover that Panama is not right for you or for the kind of business you want to do.
You could join us for an all-inclusive 6-day Panama Relocation Tour or a Private Tour or get information about doing a DIY self-guided tour in our Complete Panama Relocation Guide.
Get the Complete Panama Relocation Guide for the step-by-step details for this new visa option and our recommendations for an immigration lawyer.
The Complete Panama Relocation Guide has all the other information you need to know to have a smooth move to Panama.
When you move to Panama, you’ll need to know a lot more than just how to get this visa and our immigration attorney contact. You’ll need information about different areas to help you decide where to live, how to find a rental, what to AVOID when renting or buying, where to get health insurance (and save 40%), how to buy a car, how to get a driver’s license, how to get your pets to Panama, checklists for moving to Panama, and so much more. The Complete Panama Relocation Guide has all the information plus so much more.
If you have an existing business or job, your employer could hire your Panama company to perform tasks, then your Panama company would hire you.
If you don’t already have a business that you could move to Panama, here are some ideas:
Your Panama company could hire you to manage your rental portfolio or other investments in your country.
One of my side businesses is to buy and sell domain names. I make about $1000 a month with very little work doing this. Your Panama company could hire you to manage your domain portfolio and advertise them on auction websites.
You could write eBooks to sell on Amazon. It’s a fast and easy business to set up and you don’t need any inventory. You can even hire editors in Fiverr to help write the book and hire people to design a book cover.
Before I moved to Panama, I’d buy old beat-up houses, fix them up, and then sell or rent them. That would be a good business in Panama if you have some working capital. Getting bank financing is difficult, but you may be able to buy with seller financing.
Your business can be an online business or a regular business in Panama to qualify for this Friendly Nations Visa.
To give you ideas for Online Business opportunities that take very little start-up costs, get my FREE ebook Fund Your Freedom Overseas.
This free eBook does not have information about this new visa option or any attorney contact information. But it will give you ideas of ways you can make money in Panama.
You’ll learn about 3 websites that have millions of freelance job opportunities right now. You’ll be amazed at all the jobs available as a one-off job, part-time, or even contract full-time jobs available to freelancers. You can do data entry, sales, and marketing, IT work, customer support, etc etc.
The Fund Your Freedom Overseas eBook will give you plenty of business ideas for this Friendly Nations Visa option and you’ll learn ways to make money when you move to Panama.
You can set your own hours!
The great thing about an Online Business is that you can start it before you even move to Panama. If you decide to move to Mexico for a while, you can take your business with you if it’s an online business. You can run an online business from anywhere that you have an internet connection.
If you are not selling products or services IN Panama, you may not owe taxes in Panama. Consult with a Panamanian CPA about your personal situation. We have recommendations for Panamanian CPAs in the Complete Panama Relocation Guide.
BONUS for United States citizens
If you’re a US citizen and you live overseas full time, you can earn up to $112,000 per year per person and not pay taxes in the United States. You still need to file a tax return and report your worldwide income but you can exclude $112,000 of active earned income if you qualify for the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion.
If you’re not selling products or services IN Panama, you may not owe taxes in Panama either.
If you do not qualify for a Pensionado Visa and do not want to spend $200,000 on real estate, then this Friendly Nations Visa option is ideal for you.
See details, including immigration attorney contact, in the Complete Panama Relocation Guide.
The Friendly Nations Visa is ONLY Available For People Who Are From These Countries
Costa Rica
Czech Republic
Great Britain
Hong Kong
New Zealand
San Marino
South Africa
South Korea
United States of America
Hello, I don’t see the attorney name for the Friendly Nations Visa. Thanks
Any Panama immigration attorney can help you with a Friendly Nations Visa.
Our attorney only works with our clients who have purchased the Complete Panama Relocation Guide or who came on a Panama Relocation Tours.
Hey I am interested in the Friendly Nations Visa, I am a Bahamas citizen, why isn’t The Bahamas included on the list when our currency is pegged to the USA dollar and our economy is more robust than some of the countries on the list?
Is there any way for me to receive the FNV as a Bahamian citizen?
Many Thanks
Unfortunately, Bahama is not on the list of approved nations for the Friendly Nations Visa. There are plenty of other visa options
If one obtains a friendly nations visa does that entitle them to a passport?
Hi Tom. Five years after you receive your permanent visa, you can apply for citizenship and a passport.
I am considering Panama as a option for living abroad, but I work remotely for a company in the United States. I am not sure which VISA category (if any) would cover employed people.
If you want to get a permanent visa, the Friendly Nations visa would be ideal. There is also a remote worker visa but it is temporary, or 9 months with the possibility to renew for another 9 months.
Thank you. This is extremely helpful.
Hey Jackie, I am interested in the Friendly Nations Visa, I am a Rwandan citizen, and international expat. Which visa options are available for African countries ?
Can I still participate in the Panama Relocation Tours? thanks
Hello Arlette. Unfortunately, citizens or Rwanda do not qualify for the Friendly Nations Visa. If you have a pension of at least $1,000USD per month, you would qualify for the Pensionado Visa. You also need an authorized visa to visit Panama unless she qualifies for the visa waiver.
Jackie, can you change the nature of your work if it’s not panning out? For example if you started a special corp. on writing ebooks and that idea wasn’t getting 1000 per month, can you change in mid-stream to say… handyman? Or, would that require going back to the lawyer and costing another 5k. If you fall short the 1st month of 1k are you disqualified , or is your work permit revoked, or does it have to show an average of 1k per month at the end of the year?
Yes, you can change the nature of your work. Or give a broad job description that covers a lot of things
Does it take 6 months with your process? I arrived in Panama already but only have 90 days as a tourist
It takes about 1 week for the process of getting a temporary visa. Once you get a temporary visa, you are automatically given an extra 6 months in Panama.
Hello Jackie Lange, when is the best time to apply for a Pensionado visa? Example, do you start before you move there or after? If you have an online business and make under $112,000 a year, where do you file for the exclusion, in the US before you leave or in Panama?
Thank you kindly
H Sheryl. Some people apply for a visa before moving to Panama but that will mean extra expenses for airfare, hotels and eating out. See this article about WHEN to apply for a visa.
Could I set up a corporation and manage my own personal stock portfolio to qualify for the friendly Nations Visa? And also the dividends that I bring in every month will that qualify as active earned income for the foreign earned income exclusion?
Hi Colin. YES, you can do that to qualify for the Friendly Nations Visa
The $5000 Friendly Nations Visa option is only available with the lawyers and immigration through Panama Relocation Tours?
Tanya, you may be able to find other immigration lawyers who offer that service but they will probably charge much more. We negotiated a discount for our clients.
If I have a husband and 13 yr old, how do I get their FNV as dependents with this specific path? Is it $5000 for each of them?
Thank you!
Hi Lauren. Thanks for your interest in the Friendly Nations Visa. There is an additional fee of about $1000 for each dependent you add.
Hi Jackie, is this avenue for residency still valid? If I purchase the online guide, will it provide the contact for the specific lawyer that can process this residency? Thank you, Rocio.
Hi Rocio, Yes, it is still valid and, yes, you will find contact information for two lawyers in The Guide who can process this residency.
Thank you, Dustin!
If we apply for a $5000 Friendly Nations visa how long does it take to get the temporary visa. And after how long are we eligible for a permanent residency? After getting the permanent residency visa, can we shut down the business if we have other sources of income like the 401K to not continue to maintain paper work and yearly filings?
Once we get the permanent residency what are the requirements to maintain it as per current laws?
HI Sam. It takes about 10 days to get your temporary visa. After two years, you can apply for the permanent visa.
Instead of this visa, you may want to invest in a 3-year CD at a Panama bank. If you have a self-directed 401k, you can sent a letter of direction to invest in the CD in Panama.
Blessed day & happy 2024 to you Ms Lange. I have been looking at the Friendly Nations Visa for myself & my fiancé. I am a US Citizen living with legal permanent residency in Jamaica, West Indies. My fiancé is Jamaican & has only his JA passport. It was going to be difficult for me to reach the US$200k minimum BUT I was working towards it. However, I just watched one of your videos which led me to this live stream video referencing the $5000. friendly visa option. I have questions!
Firstly, please know that I have a registered company in Jamaica & I have property I own in Jamaica which produces passive income for me under US$100k annually. I do not own any properties in the United States. Currently, those are (2) separate entities but the properties can be merged or a new company started.
I was stressing that maybe I have to sell something in order to meet & exceed the Friendly Nations $200k minimum or the Investment Visa of $300k (which raises to $500k in middle of 2024) … Now that I have watched your videos the wheels are turning!
1. Will my Jamaican fiancé be eligible under the same Visa once we are married?
2. Should we get married in Jamaica or in Panama? Does it matter?
3. Can I set up this corporation in a way that exempts my income earned that is under US$112k?
4. Which part of Panama are your attorneys that are familiar with this $5000 Friendly Visa located?
5. I’m ready to get started!
Hello Jennifer. Thanks for your interest in the Friendly Nations Visa. Here are answers to your question
1. Will my Jamaican fiancé be eligible under the same Visa once we are married? yes, after you are married
2. Should we get married in Jamaica or in Panama? Does it matter? does not matter
3. Can I set up this corporation in a way that exempts my income earned that is under US$112k? no
4. Which part of Panama are your attorneys that are familiar with this $5000 Friendly Visa located?
Panama City or David
5. I’m ready to get started! Great
For details, attorney contacts, and itemized list, you’ll need to get the Online Panama Relocation Guide