One of my main objectives when moving to Panama was to live in a place where I’d never need a heater or an air conditioner again. I was fed up with weather that was either way too hot or way too cold. I wanted to live in a place where I could have my windows and doors wide open every day to get FRESH air. And I wanted to look at lush green landscapes and flowers every day.
In Panama, I got precisely the kind of weather and landscape I love! Because Panama is 9 degrees north of the equator, the temperature is the same year-round. In the mountains where I live, it is around 75 degrees every day. I’m only an hour to the Pacific Ocean and a couple hours to the Caribbean Sea.
There is no snow, no ice, no cold weather, no hurricanes, and no tornados.

With all the bone-chilling cold Arctic weather up north, I wonder why anyone would stay in such a miserable environment.
The main reason people stay in a climate they hate is because that is where their job is. The job produces income to support their lifestyle… even when that life is in miserable -4 degree weather.
Many people are stuck living where they are because they have no other source for making money.
This is the Solution…
Creating a portable income makes it possible to live anywhere. A portable income goes where you go. You could be on the beaches in Bocas del Toro Panama, for a month, then live in the mountains of Panama the rest of the year. Or you may decide to explore other areas of Central and South America or Bali. Or, like many Canadians in Panama, you might spend 6 months up north but head to Panama as soon as the weather turns cold.
A portable income gives you choices.
With a portable income, it does not matter where you are living, you still have money coming in every week. You’re not tied down to one location or one employer. You could live anywhere in the world when you have a portable income.
My eBook, Fund Your Freedom Overseas gives you 50 ideas of ways to make money from anywhere.
There is no need to wait util you relocate to a better climate. You can start earning a portable income from where you are right now. That income will go where you go, so you’ll never be stuck in cold weather again.
It gets even better…
In most of North America, you need a $ 100,000-a-year income to keep the lights on, buy groceries, make mortgage payments, and pay high insurance and very high property taxes.
But when you move to Panama, you can live a better lifestyle for much less and get great weather year-round. With no heating bill, you’ll have instant savings. See my article about how you can live better for less in Panama to learn more ways to save.
So you don’t need to replace that $100,000 a year salary with $100,000 in portable income.. though you certainly can with the information in Fund Your Freedom Overseas.
If you’re a US citizen, you may qualify for the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion, which allows you to earn up to $126,500 in income tax-free. And if you’re not selling any products or services in Panama, you will owe no taxes in Panama either. That’s right, you get to keep all the money you work for.
A more secure future…
Even if you are getting Social Security or a pension, it’s a good idea to diversify your income sources with a portable income. Employees in Detroit recently found out that the pension they had worked for will not be there for them.. or at least it won’t be as much as promised.
Not everyone wants to retire when they move to Panama. Many, myself included, would be bored if we did not work at least part-time. So, I want to share my book, Fund Your Freedom Overseas, with you and some other ideas about working in Panama.
If you need to fund your new life in Panama or want to earn a little extra money to do some traveling or other fun things, options are available for you.
Keep in mind that if you plan to sell a product or service in Panama, you may need to get a visa, which will allow you to get a work permit.
You can create a more secure future with a portable income. Learn how with Fund Your Freedom Overseas. It’s free when you enter your name and email in the space below.

You’ll even learn how to flip domain names. It’s a profitable hobby I’ve enjoyed for many years. You may be able to make enough money by flipping domain names to support your lifestyle in Panama. See what I made selling a domain name.
You’ll learn how to make up to $300 by taking a survey, how to write and publish an ebook, how to teach online, and much more!
Start planning your escape from cold weather.
The Fund Your Freedom Overseas eBook is inside the Online Panama Relocation Guide to learn how to create a portable income.
The Online Panama Relocation Guide is the most comprehensive source for information about moving to and living in Panama!
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