Going to the Grocery Store in Panama

Going to the grocery store in a different country could be a little intimidating. But with some bravery, you can master grocery shopping like a native Panamanian! There are a few tips when grocery shopping in a country where the labels and signs are in Spanish. The first tip is to be a little adventurous.

Don’t be afraid to try a new product or a food you have never experienced! For instance, if you usually buy “Doritos” where you live in your home country, try a Panamanian brand, like “Kachitos”. You may find that you like the local brand better, PLUS the local brand is less expensive. The worst case scenario is that you find you like the brand you usually buy better, so next time you go to the store, buy what you want. You will be so proud of yourself that you tried something new. You might surprise yourself to find that you not only like the local brands better, but you will save money in the process! By the way, if you buy the Doritos brand chips, you’ll pay a whopping $5.49 a bag. It pays to buy local products!

Another tip, when creating your shipping list, is to create two columns on paper. In the first column, list the things you buy the most in the grocery store. Then, using your Spanish/English dictionary or Google Translate, write the Spanish word next to the English word. See there, you are not only making it easier to shop, but you are learning more Spanish in the process!

Having your grocery list in English and Spanish also comes in handy if you cannot find a specific item. You can find an employee and point to the item you are looking for.

For example, If you buy tuna in water, the can will say: atún en agua. If you want to buy tuna in oil, the can will say: atún en aceite. It will make shopping for the first few times easier if you are not guessing what things are! Be brave and resist buying the brands you have always used in the past. For instance, in certain cases, you will pay a higher amount for your well-known brands because they are imported. Notice that StarKist tuna (imported) is $2.40 a can, but the local brand Two Oceans is only $1.08 a can. Buying local brands is one way you can save money in Panama.

Word of caution… when you see something you like but it’s usually not available, buy several cans of boxes because you don’t know when the store will have it again.

Romero Grocery Store Panama

Mastering the Butcher Section

There are expats living in Panama that have lived here for a year and they are too leery of going to the butcher section of the grocery store. Instead, they will buy the pre-packed meat off to the side where the lunch meat is kept. This does not have to be you! You can walk up to the butcher like you are a pro with just a little knowledge.

prepackaged meat selection in panama

When you get to the butcher section if there are other people waiting, it is always best to get a number. Look for the red ticket holder and pull a number. Some butchers use them and some don’t at different times of the day, but it will never hurt to get a number. When it is your turn, you can tell the butcher you want your meat in kilograms or pounds. The Spanish word for pounds is: libras. A kilogram is equal to 2.2 pounds. There are many expats who have been surprised when they realize the butcher has given them more meat that they have bargained for! It is because you need to specifically say “libras.” If you forget to say that, the butcher will think you want kilograms! When that happens, it will be a good time for a party because you will enough meat for your friends! Below is a “cheat sheet” that will be helpful when you look for your meat. This is a small sample of the meat you will see but it is a start!

Beef = Carne
Pork = Cerdo
Chicken = Pollo
Ground Beef = Carne Molida
Pork Chop = Chuleta de Cerdo
Chicken Breast = Pechuga de Pollo
Chicken Thighs = Muslo de Pollo
Chicken Legs = Pierna de Pollo
Chicken Wings = Alita de Pollo
Bacon = Tocino

meat prices in panama

Now you have done it! Now it is time to go to the checkout counter. It is important to know that Panama is one of the first Countries to ban the plastic bags at the checkout counter. If you did not bring a recyclable bag don’t worry, they will have many at the cash registers and they are very reasonably priced.

A Points Card Helps You Save Money!

At the check-out counter, you might also be asked if you have a Point Card, or in Spanish, a “tarjeta de punto.” Panamanians sometimes talk very quickly, so it may be that all you understand is the word “punto.”

Punto cards are available at most stores, not just grocery stores. Most stores offer 2% cash back for future purchases. It adds up fast. Remember to use your point card when shopping! The amount accumulates on your card and the amount you have shown up on their register. When you get enough $ accumulated, you can use that money to buy groceries or other items instead of cash. I recently used the $89 in points on my card at a grocery store to pay for 100% of the groceries I purchased instead of using cash. A Point Card is another way you can save money in Panama.

If you don’t have a point card, you can sign up for one at the office —it’s free!

panama grocery store point card

It is also customary to tip the person who bags your groceries. Some expats give a quarter per bag, but the amount you give them is up to you. When the person takes your groceries to the car, it would be nice to add a few quarters as well. A little kindness goes a long way in Panama!

Buying Fruits and Vegetables in Panama

Produce is sold at the grocery store, but you’ll get much better prices, and usually fresher if you buy produce at a farmers market, local vegetable/fruit store, or from local farmers who are selling produce out of the back of their truck.  You’ll likely pay $2 in the grocery store for a pineapple.  But if you buy pineapple from a local farmer ( who’s truck is just down the road from the grocery store) you’ll only pay $1 for a super fresh sweet pineapple.

Fruits and veggies in Panama do not have preservatives on them. So you will need to use them within a few days of purchasing or they will start to go bad.

Some fruits and veggies are seasonal, but others are available year-round.

Some fruits, like apples, grapes, blueberries, and pears, are not grown in Panama, but they are available at an imported price.

Some basic food items, like rice, beans, eggs, and onions, have price controls in Panama. You can spot those items with red signs.

Try New Things!

Don’t be afraid to try new food items in Panama. You’ll see many fruits, veggies, and meats you have never seen before. You may discover that you like them.

Come See How You Can LIVE BETTER for LESS!

During an all-inclusive 6-day 7-night Panama Relocation Tour, we always take you to a grocery store so you can see what’s available. You can also check availability and pricing on things you love to eat.

Just because one grocery store does not have the things you like, it does not mean that another grocery store does not have them. You can also ask the store manager to order items for you.

We also take you to a Pricesmart (like Costco) so you can see what’s available. You’ll see that many of the brands you are familiar with are readily available in Panama. They even have Kirkland pet foods and Member’s Choice items.

Jackie Lange

Jackie Lange is the founder of Panama Relocation Tours and lives in the highlands of Boquete Panama. She has helped thousands of people relocate to Panama.

Reader Interactions


  1. Cynthia Lee says

    Hi Jackie, I love your emails, I always learn something from them. I like to buy local products not only for the lower cost but because they’re good products also. I refuse to pay those high prices. If I want Doritos and Oreo cookies then I’ll stay in the US and have that.

  2. Julie Wolf says

    Thanks for the tips, Jackie. I didn’t know about tipping the bagger. Will do from now on.

  3. Kathi Edge says

    One of my favorite articles so far, thanks!

    • Jackie Lange says

      HI Kathi! Glad you enjoyed the article!

      • Donna Hoffman says

        How much do the people get payed that bag your groceries?

        • Jackie Lange says

          Donna, 25 cents a bag is the customary tip for bagging your groceries

  4. Andrea Buchmann says

    Thank you so much for this article and the others that you send. All of this information is really helpful while we are looking into the thought of a relocation tour and a move to Panama.

    • Jackie Lange says

      Andrea, glad you enjoyed the article!

  5. Scott McConachie says

    As always your info is so, so helpful. Keep it coming. See you in a week or so!!!

    • Jackie Lange says

      THANKS Scott! I’ll see you and Lynn in Panama soon!

  6. Donna Veillon says

    Hello Jackie! Thank you for this valuable information! We look forward to our tour in December.
    Btw…Melissa has been so very helpful to us.

    • Jackie Lange says

      Donna, Thanks so much!

  7. Kristie says

    Thanks Jackie! I had no idea about tipping the bagger in the grocery store. What about in the veggie/fruit shop ( I think its referred to as Sarah’s?). There’s a second young man in there who hands you a bag for multiples of smaller fruits.

    • Jackie Lange says

      Kristie, when the young guy at Sarah’s or other veggie stands carries your bags to the car, it is customary to tip them 25-50 cents per bag. But it is not necessary to tip them if they do not carry your bags to the car for you.

  8. Tim Hull says

    I can only observe from afar at this point as I have not had the ability to travel to Panama since 2013. That’s the year I retired and spent 10 days between PC and Boquete/Bocas. My daughters accompanied me and we thoroughly enjoyed our visit, pledging to return “some day”
    Much has changed since then, both here and in Panama, but I have maintained my strong interest and will visit again in 2023.
    I will definitely take Jackie’s tour as I am convinced it’s the most efficient and effective way to gather info.
    I don’t do Facebook (haven’t for years) so I miss out on a lot of back and forth communication, but I do enjoy the YouTube PRT segments and only wish there were more of them.
    Thank you to everyone who shares their thoughts and experiences. Maybe we’ll find ourselves together somewhere sharing some great Panamanian coffee or hiking a trail.
    Thanks for allowing me to connect and keep the info flowing.

    • Jackie Lange says

      I’m so glad you enjoy the information.

  9. Fred Ebers says

    Please put me on the email list.

  10. J. Bartel says

    Well done and practical information

    • Jackie Lange says

      Thanks. Glad you liked the article

  11. Jackie Gerster/Michael May says

    Thank you Jackie
    Great article. We’ve been getting around very well with advice fromYour tour and guide. We have a wonderful rental in El Valle where we can stay at least 5 years and probably longer.
    We used your advice for attorney yay I have my Visa, finding our rental by driving around. We had to break our first contract after living there one week. Jose was fantastic getting our 2 kitties through customs.
    We found an amazing driver who speaks good English and takes us to Coronado, El Chorrera and the City. We will buy a car in a couple months but we highly recommend establishing a relationship with a driver you trust , who can act as translator and guide.
    Thanks again If you ever get back to EV let’s have an Americano at one of the great cafes

    We have been here 4 months and love El Valle de Antón, Panama more everyday.

  12. Jackie Gerster/Michael May says

    Thank you Jackie
    Great article. We’ve been getting around very well with advice fromYour tour and guide. We have a wonderful rental in El Valle where we can stay at least 5 years and probably longer.
    We used your advice for attorney yay I have my Visa, finding our rental by driving around. We had to break our first contract after living there one week. Jose was fantastic getting our 2 kitties through customs.
    We found an amazing driver who speaks good English and takes us to Coronado, El Chorrera and the City. We will buy a car in a couple months but we highly recommend establishing a relationship with a driver you trust , who can act as translator and guide.
    Thanks again If you ever get back to EV let’s have an Americano at one of the great cafes

    We have been here 4 months and love El Valle de Antón, Panama more everyday.

    • Jackie Lange says

      Jackie, Congratulations on your move to El Valle de Anton. I’m so glad you love living in Panama!

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