Of the many travels I’ve had around the world and the many people I’ve talked with during the Panama Relocation Tours, I’ve found something in common among people, and that is, the desire to live one’s dreams! Many of us simply want to live in a place where we can truly relax and enjoy what life has to offer without stress. Many yearn for a simpler life. Living that kind of life though is not readily available for everyone. Most of us need to explore and travel to different places in order to find the best place to live in. I’ve travelled far and wide in order to arrive at the best place I can be right now. I think I’ve found the best place to retire in the world and that is the beautiful country of Panama. There’s just no place I’d rather be.
Panama was love at first sight for me, and that kind of love and contentment continue to grow each day. Living in Panama and seeing it grow in lots of different ways have truly convinced me that I made the right decision of moving here way back in 2010. The economy is booming and the country has various infrastructure projects such as buildings, highways, bridges, a subway system, and the Panama Canal expansion.
My favorite part about Panama is the huge savings I’ve made ever since I got here. In Panama, the cost of living is low. As an expat with a residency Visa, I’m also entitled to various discounts when I eat at restaurants, watch a movie, buy medicine, travel and many more. Think of the money that you can save here and how you’ll be able to afford the things that you’ve always wanted to buy. I pay less for “international” health insurance than most people pay for health insurance in their city or even Medicare. After having two surgeries in Panama, I know the quality of health care is excellent.
Speaking of savings… I earn a between 1.5 to 2.5% interest in a simple savings account in Panama.

Another thing that I love about Panama is the weather! It’s springtime all year round in Boquete, Panama, which I just love. I don’t need an air conditioner so I can breath fresh air every day. Having majestic mountain views and being surrounded by tropical plants every day is added bonus. If I want to be by the beach at the Pacific Ocean, it is a short 1 1/2 hour drive from my house. I’m having my adventure of a lifetime and it’s happening in one of the most beautiful places in the world.
I know that making that big move can be scary. I was scared too. However, you wouldn’t know if Panama is a good fit for you unless you visit Panama. You really need to come to Panama here to see what the country is like and determine if the kind of lifestyle that you envision can take place in Panama. I traveled to several other countries before I picked Panama. It wasn’t easy but my sacrifices paid off in the end.
I’ve always encouraged friends who are considering retiring in Panama, to visit the country first before making any decision. It is important to experience the good and the bad, the upside and the downside, and the positive and the negative in order to make a well-informed decision. Panama is right for me but it may not be for you. Visiting the country can help you assess how suitable it is for you as well as make the necessary preparations for a possible move.
Thinking of reinventing yourself? Dreaming of a lifestyle that will take many years for you to achieve in your current country? Planning to have an adventure of a lifetime? Panama is the answer!
Now, you don’t need to do all the research and the planning on your own. It is far easier and cheaper if you get the help that is available for you. You can join a 6-day all-inclusive Panama Relocation Tour so you can get a feel of what it’s like to live in Panama, explore the different areas of the country suitable for retirees and even get the chance to speak with expats who have already made the move to Panama. By joining a Tour, you are able to make a well-informed decision about Panama because the tours are specially designed to provide an objective view of Panama living and give you a “boots on the ground” experience of the country. You save yourself the trouble of making plenty of trips to Panama. Joining one Panama Relocation Tour is all you need to do to gain contacts and valuable information, and experience the true Panama. You save a lot of money too!

Surfing the net will give you lots of information about Panama. However, how can you be sure which one is talking about the “real” Panama? Nobody can tell you what Panama is like but yourself. You need to get a feel for it. You need to travel around the country in order for you to decide if Panama is right for you. You simply cannot experience what life is like in Panama by sitting in a hotel conference room in Panama. The idea of what Panama is like should come from you and only you!
Panama is a small country but packed full of diversity. From the metropolitan Panama City, to the beach areas around Coronado, to the mountain towns of El Valle, Boquete and Volcan or even the island life in Bocas Del Toro.. Panama has sometime for everyone. Come discover which part of Panama is a good fit for you.
I’d like to share with you a favorite quote of mine by Mark Twain. “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Think about that! Visit Panama and see what living in the country is like. Join a Panama Relocation Tour which specializes in retirement and relocation planning, so at the end of the day, you can finally decide if Panama is the place you’d rather be.
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