On every Panama Relocation Tour, about half of our guests are singles. Singles especially realize that it will be difficult to retire on one Social Security check or pension if they stay in North America or Europe.
However, singles are discovering they can live better for less in Panama and even have money left over at the end of the month. This really takes the stress away.
For singles, it is a little scary to check out Panama all by yourself. On your own, it would be very difficult to learn all the things you need to know to relocate to Panama with no complications. That’s where Panama Relocation Tours comes in!
When singles come on a Panama Relocation Tour, they are with a group of like-minded people (including other singles), have someone else doing all the planning and driving, and are able to learn all the things they need to know in a relaxing environment.
Panama Relocation Tours even has a bi-lingual driver waiting for you when you arrive at the airport, and we make all the arrangements for a 7-night 6-day all-inclusive tour of the most popular places to live in Panama.
During the tour, you’ll have the opportunity to meet other singles who live in each area we visit. You can just sit back, relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery in Panama while you are learning about finding a rental, getting affordable health insurance, residency Visa options, buying a car, bringing pets into Panama, and much much more. Your Panama Relocation Tour guide is also a single woman.

Throughout Panama, there are other single expats, plenty of social activities, and volunteer opportunities too. Volunteering is a great way to meet other singles too!
Watch the videos below of some of the single women who have come on a Panama Relocation Tour and then relocated to Panama. If they can do it, you can too! Join us for a Panama Relocation Tour to discover a more affordable lifestyle in Panama.
LEARN MORE HERE about an all-inclusive 6-day, 7-night Panama Relocation Tour!
Chris moved to Panama several years ago. Watch this video to learn how Panama Relocation Tours helped her have a smooth and easy transition to relocating to Panama.
Krstl moved to Boquete a year ago and has a good network of friends, plenty of social activities and a much more affordable lifestyle. She even started a business selling high quality organic essential oils and blends. Watch this video to discover what she thinks about her new life in Panama and see the 3 bedroom 2 bath house she is renting for $775 a month. (Note: Krstl mentioned that she could not get insurance because she is over 70. She cannot get international health insurance but she CAN get Panama health insurance for about $120 a month)
Carol moved to the beach community of Guarare which is close to Las Tablas. She’s renting a two bedroom house right on the beach for $550 a month. She has a room mate so only has to spend $225 a month on rent. Watch this video to learn what she likes most about life in Panama and what challenges she has too.
Cheri moved to Panama almost 5 years ago. She gets along just fine without a car because the public transportation systems is so good (and her friend network too). Watch this video to learn how super affordable her health insurance is in Panama. Check out her spacious two bedroom home which she rents for $400 a month.
Many other single women (and men) have learned that they can LIVE BETTER for LESS in Panama. You can too!
Join us for an all-inclusive 6-day, 7-night Panama Relocation Tour!
See tour details here
See tour dates here
Since 2010, Panama Relocation Tours has helped thousands have a smooth, hassle-free move to Panama.
We have the experience you can trust and need.
I am interested in the tours.
HI Mary You can see more details about Panama Relocation Tours and sign up for a tour at https://panamarelocationtours.com/tours We’d love for you to join us for a Panama Relocation Tour so we can show you how you can live better for less in Panama.
Thank you Jackie. I am saving up for this tour and looking to join next year. Looking to find single people like myself to share this trip with me as I will be coming from BC, Canada.
Hi Jackie. I spoke with your amazing daughter last week. I want to schedule your tour for July 2020. My concern is moving there with a child and the education system. I’ve only seen one testimonial video of yours I with a family with a kid/kids. Do you have info on the educational system in Boquete? On any other family videos? Thank you.
HI Stacey, Look through our youtube videos – there is one couple who moved to Panama with 4 children and another video of a family who moved to Panama with one son. The couple with one son does home schooling. The couple with 4 kids have their children in a bilingual school. International and christian schools are available too.
Thanks Jackie, these videos of single women living in Panama is exactly what I needed. I, too, am a single woman considering this move. I am just starting my research and still a few years from retirement but loving what I have learned about Panama so far. I plan to visit in April 2020 and hope to get a feel for the country and towns that interest me. If all goes well, I will join you on one of your tours in the near future.
Thanks Tonya. I’m so glad you are enjoying the videos about life in Panama! You could save yourself some money by doing your exploring and a Panama Relocation Tour in ONE trip. You’ll get to see a variety of different areas, meet people who live in each area, learn about the pros and cons plus learn all the other things you need to know to have a super easy smooth relocation to Panama. Learn more at https://panamarelocationtours.com/tours
Hi Jackie:
So glad I came across your videos on Youtube….I am seriously considering Panama. I am a single soon to be 64 year old female who can collect full social security in 2.2 years. I am a Licensed Practical Nurse and I would like to live better than what my retirement income will be able to provide for if I was still working full time in the states. I am planning on doing your tour in mid 2020 May or June to give a feel for life in Panama. Looking forward to it!
HI Karen. Thanks so much! I’m glad you found us too! Our May 2020 tours are already sold out but we have some openings for June and just added another June tour. We only require a $500 per person deposit to reserve your tour. You can do that online at https://panamarelocationtours.com/book-tour I look forward to meeting you and showing you how amazing life is in Panama!
Hi Jackie, and thank you for all the information in preparation to a visit to Panama! I am not sure I understand Krstl not getting insurance because she is over 70. Your explanation seemed to say that she could not get an international health insurance plan, but she could a Panama health insurance plan. Would you please elaborate or guide me to other areas of your website where this is explained.
HI David
Krstl did not get international health insurance because it is very expensive if you are over 70. She has access to all the public hospitals in Panama where there is no monthly fee and it is only $2 to see a doctor or $5 for a specialists. In Boquete, where she lives (and where I live), you can walk in to a medical clinic to see a doctor in a few minutes for only $12. With these kind of prices, many people decide to just self-insure. A 70 year old can get health insurance through the private hospitals for about $125 a month and it would cover 85% of medical expenses.
Hi Jackie. I am retiring next month. I am a single woman of 71 and very healthy. I hike a lot and would love the climate there I believe. I hoping to find a better place to retire than a big city like San Antonio, TX. Your next available tour is not until Aug 21. I will try to catch this one.
HI Anna. We just added a few new tour dates. Better to sign up ASAP because they will fill up fast! https://panamarelocationtours.com/tour-dates
Jackie, if I pay the $500 but for some reason need to cancel, do I get my $500 deposit back? Thank you
Yes, the $500 is fully refundable as long as you cancel at least 30 days before your tour starts. You can read our full refund policy here. If you have any other questions about the tour please contact us using the form on this page. Thank you.