The American Dream is Alive and Well in Panama!

In recent years, many people have felt a growing disillusionment with the changes in the USA and Canada. The once-familiar landscapes of opportunity and community seem to have shifted, leading many to seek alternatives.

As of late, many have been questioning if the American Dream is still possible. The cost of living is high, and many struggle to meet their basic expenses.

The traditional American Dream—working hard, saving diligently, and enjoying a secure retirement—has become increasingly elusive in the United States and Canada. Inflation has significantly eroded the purchasing power of many Americans, particularly retirees living on fixed incomes. Over the past few years, living costs have skyrocketed, with essentials like housing, healthcare, and groceries becoming more expensive than ever. As a result, even those who have worked hard their entire lives and saved for retirement find it difficult to maintain the lifestyle they once envisioned.

For many retirees, the harsh reality is that their savings don’t stretch as far as they had hoped. The rising healthcare costs alone can be devastating, often consuming a large portion of their income. In addition, the uncertainty of the stock market and the declining value of pension plans have left many feeling insecure about their financial future. This combination of factors has forced many retirees to either delay their retirement, return to work, or significantly downsize their standard of living, undermining the very essence of the American Dream.

There is a solution!

In Panama, you can LIVE BETTER for much LESS.

In contrast, Panama offers a refuge for those seeking to reclaim this dream. With a lower cost of living, affordable healthcare, and a welcoming environment for retirees, Panama allows people to stretch their savings and enjoy the secure and comfortable retirement they worked hard to achieve.

Here, in Panama, the American Dream is not only alive but thriving, offering a viable alternative for those disillusioned by North America’s economic challenges.

Panama embodies the core values and promises of the American Dream, offering a new haven for those searching for a better life.

Simpler Lifestyle

Panama is a place where life moves at a slower, more enjoyable pace. Here, people prioritize leisure, family time, and community over the relentless pursuit of material wealth. The natural beauty of Panama, from its pristine beaches to lush rainforests, encourages outdoor activities and a healthy work-life balance. This simpler lifestyle allows residents to focus on what truly matters, fostering a deep sense of contentment and fulfillment.

isla colon bocas del toro
Isla Colon, Bocas del Toro

Strong Family Values

Family is at the heart of Panamanian culture. Multigenerational households are common, and community support systems are strong. These values create a nurturing environment where children grow up with a strong sense of belonging and security. The emphasis on family and community fosters social cohesion and stability, making Panama an ideal place to live or raise a family.

In many ways, Panama will remind you of what the USA was like 50 years ago—but with high-speed internet and cable TV!

Affordable Cost of Living

One of the most appealing aspects of Panama is its affordable cost of living. Compared to North America, housing, utilities, healthcare, and groceries are significantly cheaper. Despite the lower costs, the quality of services remains high. This affordability allows residents to enjoy a high standard of living without the financial stress often associated with life in the USA or Canada.

In Panama, you can still buy a house for less than $50,000!

Panama uses the US dollar so you don’t have to deal with an exchange rate.

$8 a bag of assorted veggies

Friendly and Welcoming People

Panamanians are known for their warmth and hospitality. Expats frequently share stories of being welcomed into their new communities and quickly make new friends. This friendliness makes it easy for newcomers to integrate and feel at home, creating a supportive social network that enhances the overall living experience.

Expats are welcoming, too! It won’t take long to make friends and fill up your social calendar!

Political and Economic Stability

Panama enjoys a relatively stable political environment, free from the deep divisions seen in North America. This stability contributes to a more harmonious and less stressful daily life. Residents can focus on their personal and professional goals without the constant anxiety of political upheaval, making Panama a peaceful and appealing place to live. While looking at the latest news updates in the US may cause your blood pressure to rise, the lack of drama and political controversy in Panama will provide a sense of calm.

Panama’s economy is the strongest in Latin America. The Panama Canal brings in billions annually, but Panama has multiple income sources, including the second-largest Free Trade Zone in the world.

READ THIS Investor Report about Panama’s impressive economy.

Cultural Diversity and Acceptance

Racism and cultural intolerance are rare in Panama. The country has a rich history as a melting pot of various ethnicities and cultures, and this diversity is celebrated rather than shunned. Different communities coexist peacefully, fostering an environment of acceptance and mutual respect. This cultural harmony is a refreshing change for those coming from more divided societies.

Opportunities for Entrepreneurship and Investment

Panama offers a business-friendly environment with ample opportunities for entrepreneurship and investment. Many expats have successfully started businesses in Panama, contributing to the local economy and realizing their entrepreneurial dreams. It’s important to note that foreigners cannot work in Panama without a work permit, and some professions are protected only for Panamanians.

Excellent & Affordable Healthcare

Panama boasts a high standard of healthcare with both public and private options available. Notable hospitals and medical facilities provide excellent care, often at a fraction of the cost in North America. Expats frequently report positive healthcare experiences, praising the accessibility and quality of medical services. A routine doctor visit is usually less than $20 without insurance.

Now, you can use Medicare Advantage for medical emergencies at some hospitals in Panama without the need to prepay or file a claim.

Panama has affordable health insurance options! Some have no age restrictions. At some clinics in Panama City, you can get health insurance for as little as $13 a month with no age or pre-existing restrictions.

Beautiful and Diverse Environment

One of Panama’s most captivating features is its diverse geography. There is something for everyone, from serene beaches to majestic mountains and verdant rainforests. The warm climate and abundance of outdoor activities make leading an active, healthy lifestyle easy. Specific areas, such as Boquete with its cool highland climate or the vibrant capital city of Panama City, offer unique attractions for expats.

Coronado Bay
Coronado Bay

Safety and Security

Panama is known for its safety and low crime rates, especially compared to many parts of North America. This sense of security is a significant draw for those looking to relocate. Safe neighborhoods and friendly communities make it an ideal place for individuals and families alike​.

Like all countries, some areas are safer than others. Colon has a higher crime rate than anywhere else in Panama. It would be best if you also avoid border towns.

According to Numbeo, as of mid-2024, Panama’s crime index is 42.9, which is considerably lower than that of neighboring Costa Rica, Colombia, or Mexico. The crime rate in Panama is even lower than that in the United States!

boquete panama


Panama offers a compelling alternative for those seeking to rediscover the American Dream. With its simpler lifestyle, strong family values, affordable cost of living, friendly people, political stability, cultural diversity, entrepreneurial opportunities, excellent healthcare, beautiful environment, and safety, Panama truly has it all.

Come See How You Can LIVE BETTER for LESS in Panama!

The American Dream is alive and well in Panama – come and see for yourself. Join us for an all-inclusive 6-day, 7-night Panama Relocation Tour to see what your life could be like in Panama! You’ll travel in a comfortable bus from Panama City to beach communities, colonial towns, big cities, and mountain towns. You’ll meet immigration lawyers, real estate agents, and expats in each area and see affordable rentals daily. By the end of a Panama Relocation Tour, you’ll know if Panama is right for you.

See Tour Details Here

We also offer Private Panama Relocation Tours for specific areas. If you know you want to live in Panama City, the beach, or the highlands, a Private Tour is ideal.

Tour Reviews:

WKDriver posted this review on TripAdvisor:

Highly Recommend Panama Relocation Tours (PRT)
Aug 2024 • Couples
I highly recommend Panama Relocation Tours (PRT) for those considering moving to the country of Panama or Panama is on your list of places to move to. PRT provided us with the opportunity to learn about the various locations throughout the country, experience the culture, and meet EXPATS to learn their experiences. The tour guides, “J” and Jolynn, and the bus driver, Jorge, made the tour fun, informational, and personal. I would like to thank Jackie, the founder and owner of PRT for her dedication to making our relocation seamless. We purchased the PRT online guide over two years ago and it has everything you need to relocate to Panama. We watched all the YouTube videos and live streams to hear what others experienced and to get more questions answered. But the tour helped us to make our decision about where we wanted to live in the country. PRT is well worth the investment when it comes to relocating to Panama!

Wayne posted this review on Google Business:

I highly recommend Panama Relocation Tours (PRT) for those considering moving to the country of Panama or Panama is on your list of place to move to. PRT provide us with the opportunity to learn about the various locations throughout the country, experience the culture, and meet EXPATS to learn of their experiences. The tour guides, “J” and Jolynn, and bur driver, Jorge, made the tour fun, informational, and personal. I would like to thanks Jackie, the founder and owner of PRT for her dedication to making our relocation seamless.

James posted this review on TripAdvisor:

Great Start for Better Things
Aug 2024 • Solo
I held my review until I completed my move to Panama to allow Murphy’s Laws their best shot. Beginning with the 6 day tour I took the year previous(#216), I cannot imagine a better base or foundation for planning to relocate. If you are a data-sponge like me, the tour was part vacation and mostly an information fountain. The bus was luxury and the guides were experts with all the geographic areas we went through. They also fielded all the questions and “what ifs” thrown at them. They included the cultural/social details not seen in the travel books/videos that make up daily life in Panama. In other words, they gave an intro of “here’s what you’ll experience if you move here” because its not all pretty flowers and coatimundis . Not complete, but enough to base an opinion on. Were there detours, cancelled events or changes? Yes. But, there was always a Plan B in effect. The guides never dropped a beat. Never a delay. Always prepared. Impressed the heck out of me. To finish, I would say the specific thing that I took away from the Relocation Tour, traveling from Panama City, Azuero, Chiriqui, and Boquete was the depth and richness of Panama we experienced and learned about. Now that I’m here I can go back and take my time at those places. Thanks Jackie and Team, appreciate the help.


Jackie Lange

Jackie Lange is the founder of Panama Relocation Tours and lives in the highlands of Boquete Panama. She has helped thousands of people relocate to Panama.

Reader Interactions


  1. Cathy Passer says

    I just want to say Thank you for the video : The magic of Boquete with Joylnn. The Best video ever done to capture Boquete! Very informative and excellent information. I have visited Panama and am deciding if making the move is the right decision for me. hank you again for the information you share with perspective Expats!

    • Jackie Lange says

      Cathy. Thanks for watching the “Magic of Boquete” video. I’m glad you enjoyed it!

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