Certainly not!
Would you hire a doctor who has never done a surgery to do an open-heart surgery on you?
Absolutely not!
Would you trust a young eco-tour guide who’s only “tourism” experience was working at a hotel, doing hikes in the rain forest or rum factory tours to give you information about retiring to Panama? Or even worse, would you trust an IT guy who only has experience stealing other people’s website/business ideas? Unethical!
Yikes! Of course not! You should not trust your relocation or retirement to amateurs.
It’s a big decision to retire to Panama and you need reliable and accurate information from someone with many years of experience helping people relocate to and retire to Panama! You need detailed information to help you make an intelligent decision. This is our 9th year of offering Panama Relocation Tours. Our April 2019 tour is our 100th Panama Relocation Tour! I understand your concerns and already know what questions you’ll have about relocating to or retiring in Panama. I have all the answers you need to help you decide if retiring in Panama is right for you.
Panama Relocation Tours is not a tourist or adventure tour! Our only objective is to teach you the things you need to know to relocate to Panama and help you find the perfect location that fits your lifestyle. Our tours are strictly about relocating to Panama.
During our 6-day 7-night all-inclusive Panama Relocation Tour, you’ll see a variety of different areas in Panama and meet expats who have moved to that area. This will help you decide where you want to live when you move to Panama. You’ll learn all the things you need to know to relocate to Panama and make a smooth transition to living in Panama. Even after the tour, we offer ongoing support for no additional costs. You’ll even learn creative ways to make money when you move to Panama.
Panama Relocation Tours has been helping people relocate to and retire in Panama for NINE years. We have hundreds of testimonials from very satisfied clients… many who are enjoying the good life living in Panama.
The PROOF is in the testimonials and reviews about Panama Relocation Tours – We have PLENTY!
See what Panama Relocation Tour clients have to say:
CLICK HERE on the Panama Relocation Tours website, AND
www.youtube.com/PanamaRelocationTour AND
www.Facebook.com/PanamaRelocationTours ( click on Reviews on the left) AND
When it comes to retiring in Panama, we are THE PILOT you need!
Come see how you can live BETTER for LESS in Panama! Join us for a Panama Relocation Tour in 2019. SEE TOUR DATES HERE
We only require a $500 deposit per person to reserve your spot for a Tour. Sign up early!
To Life in Paradise,
Jackie Lange
What our tour clients have to say..
My husband and I both came on Jackie’s Relocation tour in March and I must say it met all our expectations and more. Jackie has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to best places to live in Panama, immigration rules, the culture, the people, the laws and rules of the land and so much more. Jackie is quite patient with everyone in terms of the various questions that are posed to her during the tour. Everyday she chooses a topic and discusses it to the fullest. We were even given a book with all the necessary vital information should we choose to relocate.
Jackie shared many of her personal stories, some dos and donts, tried and true experiences, and basically equipped us with the knowledge to face the relocation challenge.
We are well pleased with this tour and would highly recommend to anyone who is thinking about moving to Panama. Moving to a different country has its challenges. Don’t move blindly. Take the tour and in the end you will have a lot more peace of mind as you will be making informed decisions.
Bob and Bess Singh
Calgary, Alberta
March 16-21, 2019 Tour
Jackie was just getting over a slight illness when our tour began, but believe me, you would’ve never known it if she hadn’t told us, this lady never missed a beat! It seemed she knew the answers to the questions, before they were even asked! She is very open, honest and most importantly “down to earth”. The first contact was made through Melissa, she was very responsive, professional and thorough, we arrived several days early, and she made sure that we received the hotel discounts and that everything was in order for the beginning of our tour.
From Melissa, to Jorge to Jackie and all the people that we met along the way….and there were a lot of them, EVERYBODY knows and respects Jackie and the PRTteam!!! It was a good feeling knowing that we were in good hands. The transportation was very nice and clean, the hotels we stayed in were top notch and gave us a feel for some of the different areas and what to expect in each of them. Being able to view all the different living options was a “biggie” for me, seeing first hand, condo’s and homes for sale or rent was amazing.
I could go on and on…..but I won’t, I’ll just say if you want to experience Panama, and have a slight inkling that you may want to move or retire there, you will not be disappointed by taking this tour! You will have all of your questions or concerns addressed. Jackie is a walking GOOGLE…..she will give it to you straight, and even afterwards, she will assist you in any way she can.
February 2019 Tour
Five stars! Very professional. Very comprehensive. For anyone seriously considering a move to any parts South of the boarder, a Panama Relocation Tour by Jackie Lange is an absolute must. Accept no imitations, this is the Real Deal.
Many more North Americans than ever have begun to realize that they can live better for less in Central America with a healthier and less stressful lifestyle. Let Jackie and Panama Relocation Tours show you exactly why Panama may well be your best choice. Lots of markets are hot right now. From Puerto Rico, Belize, Coasta Rica, Equador, Mexico.. so many choices. Jackie has been a full time resident of Panama for many years and has faced the exact same challenges every ex-pat faces. From how do I get a visa, cost of healthcare, utilities, drivers licenses, car insurance to how do I move my pets? Jackie has it covered. The Tour is a fun seminar on wheels with breathtaking scenery. Unlimited time for questions about your particular concerns.
No sales pitch; in fact, Jackie is adamant that you should rent in a few locations before making a final decision on anything. The tour is all about good times and good advice. Do yourself a favor and if you are ready to make your dream a reality, book a Panama Relocation Tour today. All your nuts and bolts questions will be answered. Why try to reinvent the better wheel? Learn from someone who has blazed the trail and put together a package of information, contacts and resources that can’t be beat. Let Jackie be your guide and live your dream!
Eric and Liz April 2018 Tour
I wish to purchase the GUIDE. I am a76 yrs young American living 14 yrs in Thailand. My son in NEW YORK CITY wants me closer to him. I think Panama is the answer but I need more research….the GUIDE.
My issue is I only have a Thai Bank Account. Can I send you money through the “WISE” app to your bank account? They will convert Thai Baht to dollars. I really can only afford the Guide and I am very grateful for your assistance in this situation.
Hello Jeanann. Thanks for your interest in the Complete Panama Relocation Guide. We can accept a Paypal.com payment. Please send an email to info@panamarelocatio tours.com for more details