Why You Need The Complete Panama Relocation Guide

Every day we get calls and emails from people are are anxious to relocate to Panama.

But it’s a big mistake to just move to Panama without a really good education about what to do before and after you arrive. Living in Panama is not like living anywhere else. You can’t just move to Panama … you must get a residency Visa if you want to stay. If you don’t have a Visa, you can only stay 6 months max.

The majority of people I know who move away from Panama do so because they were not prepared about what to expect or educated about how to get things done. It’s a costly mistake that does not need to happen to you!

Some people have lost tens of thousands of dollars because they rushed in to buying real estate too soon, paid too much, then could not sell it for what they paid when they moved away. One couple lost $100,000 because they trusted the wrong real estate agent.

Some have lost tens of thousands of dollars because they picked the wrong immigration attorney. I know one guy who paid $15,000 for a Friendly Nations Visa which should have cost $3000.

Some people have lost everything they owned because they picked the wrong international mover who stole everything. A guy I know shipped two 40-foot containers but only one container arrived.

Some people have paid twice as much for international health insurance because they did not know our “tricks” for getting the same insurance for much less. This information alone can save you thousands of dollars.


Our 6-day 7-night all-inclusive Panama Relocation Tours can certainly provide the education you need to relocate to Panama in an easy, affordable, and stress-free way. We’ve been offering Panama Relocation Tours since 2010 and as of May 2021 have completed more than 136 relocation tours. We’ve helped 1600+ people relocate to Panama the hassle-free way!


And now, our NEW Complete Panama Relocation Guide has all the information you need to have a smooth transition to relocating to Panama. The Guide will help you avoid costly mistakes and take all the guess work out of relocating to Panama.

The Complete Panama Relocation Guide contains 21 modules organized in an easy to follow order to learn about relocating to Panama, bringing your pets to Panama, picking the best place to live that fits your lifestyle, cost of living in various areas, finding a rental, getting a Panama bank account, buying a car, PLUS how to get a Visa, get health insurance, plus much much more.

The Guide also contains our list of reliable and affordable immigration lawyers, trusted property managers/real estate agents, where to get (and not get) health insurance and so much more.

SEE DETAILS AND ORDER HERE — Introductory Price ONLY $595

The Complete Panama Relocation Guide is the perfect way to learn all the things you need to know so you can be prepared and relocate to Panama.. while avoiding costly mistakes! The training is available 24/7 so you can learn at your own pace from the comfort of your home.

Learn how can you can live BETTER for LESS in Panama.   Order the Complete Panama Relocation Guide today.

Jackie Lange

Jackie Lange is the founder of Panama Relocation Tours and lives in the highlands of Boquete Panama. She has helped thousands of people relocate to Panama.

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