Expats in Panama Giving Back to the Community

rotary boquete panama One of the many joys of moving to Panama are finally having the time to do the things you want to do, when you want to do them. People who move to Panama bring with them years of experience in business, teaching, photography, and other endeavors. They love giving back to the community by sharing their experiences.

Teri Novak is the perfect example. She comes from a background as a business owner which requires organizational skills. She puts her knowledge to work by volunteering with the Boquete ROTARY.  In the video Teri mentioned that Adriel was able to overcome his fear of math by studying math at the Khan Academy.   Teri meant to say that Adriel spent 700 minutes, not 700 hours of study.

The Rotary has many different programs to help Panamanians including helping children learn, build houses, provide food for the needy and more.  The mission of Rotary International is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.


Boquete Rotarians are neighbors, community leaders, and global citizens uniting for the common good to promote peace, support education and improve health.

Watch this video to learn why Teri and her husband moved to Panama, what she thinks about living in Boquete and how they are giving back to the community by volunteering at the Boquete Rotary.

YouTube video

Learn more about the amazing things the Rotary is doing in Panama, subscribe here https://rotariodeboquete.org

The Rotary is always looking for new volunteers who can share their skills and make life better for all Panamanians. Contact the Rotary at https://rotariodeboquete.org/


Jackie Lange

Jackie Lange is the founder of Panama Relocation Tours and lives in the highlands of Boquete Panama. She has helped thousands of people relocate to Panama.

Reader Interactions


  1. Frank Pizzacalla says

    i have many years of being a culinary chef and business owner and have many years of experience in the retail and hospitality industry .

    • Jackie Lange says

      Frank, these are all skills that you can share with Panamanians.

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