13 Things the Offshore Gurus Will NOT Tell You About Panama

Panama City Panama

Ask 100 expats what their life is like in Panama, you will get 100 different answers.  Their perspective depends on where they live, how patient they are, and how much they have attempted to accept Panama for what it is… a developing country.

When you read offshore publications about Panama you’d think the whole country is a “Paradise.” The distant photos of downtown Panama City look like any first-world metropolis.  But walk the streets or drive around the country and you will quickly notice that it is not as developed as the USA, Canada or Europe.

With its beautiful skyscrapers and new subway system, Panama City is certainly impressive.  Some areas are very modern with underground utilities. But that is not the way it is in most of Panama City  – or Panama in general.

Many people say Panama is like the USA was in the 1960s but with cell phones, internet, and flat-screen TVs.  I grew up in the 60s and have fond memories of what life was like then.  Panama does offer a simple life where young children can walk all over town safely and family values still exist.

But it is not all paradise.

Here are 13 things you won’t read about in the sugar-coated publications about moving to Panama:

(1)    Don’t assume you will have hot water at every house or at every faucet in the house.   Some houses only have warm water in the shower. Be careful to check out the hot water situation before you decide to rent or buy.  You should not rent a house without seeing it first.

(2)    Internet speed is not the same throughout the country or even on the same street.  If you are lucky enough to live in an area serviced by Tigo fiber optics, you can get up to 100 Mbps for about $40 a month.  If you can’t get Tigo, you will be forced to use satellite internet like Planet Telecom where 3 Mbps will cost you $99 per month and you will pay a whopping $250 for 10 Mbps.

(3)    The sidewalks are not level if they exist at all.   The sidewalks could have holes big enough your whole foot can fit through, or metal pipes protruding in bad places or the sidewalk may have stretches that are completely missing.  You need to wear sturdy shoes and watch where you are walking at all times in Panama.


(4)    If Code Enforcement from the USA came to Panama, they would probably shut down most of the country.  There is crazy wiring inside and outside.  There are steps and other unlevel surfaces with no handrails or safety devices.  There usually will not be a GFI outlet within 6 feet of all water sources. The only exception is new construction in the higher price ranges… maybe.

(5)    Most businesses will have a sign in the public bathroom asking you to NOT flush the toilet paper but instead to put it in a wastebasket which is next to the toilet.  Oh, and don’t assume that all public bathrooms will have toilet paper… bring your own.  The reason you should not flush toilet paper is that most businesses and homes have a septic system.  The more toilet paper that is flushed, the more often they have to get their septic tanks cleaned out and it is just as expensive to do that in Panama as it is in the USA.  We recently paid $175.

(6)    You can pick your temperature by your elevation.  If you are at a lower elevation, it will be hot and humid.  If you are at 3500 feet it will be 75-80 just about every day and less humid.  Get above 5000 feet and you can enjoy the weather in the high 60s to mid-70s every day.  Lower elevations (less than 3500 feet) will have more snakes, spiders, and bugs.  There are trade-offs.

(7)    There will be power outages. They usually only last a few minutes but they could last for several hours or even days.  Power outages seem to happen more often in the dry, windy season OR the power will go out the last 10 minutes of a movie I’m watching on Netflix.   Luckily most stoves are powered by gas so you can still cook.  It’s a good idea to always have a lantern, flashlight, and candles readily available.

(8)    Name brand, imported items will usually cost more, but similar Panama brands will usually cost much less.  You may or may not be able to find all the name-brand items you use now but there is usually a good substitute.  Fruits and veggies are more expensive at a grocery store than they are at a local fruit veggie market.

(9)    It rains a lot in Panama. We average 100 – 120 inches of rain a year.  It does not rain every day or all day… usually.   In the dry season, January – April, it may not rain for a month.  In October and November it will pour down rain like the Heavens opened up and dumped the Pacific Ocean on Panama….but this usually happens in the late afternoon so you can plan accordingly.     The rains keep everything looking lush and green and provide plenty of water for ships to go through the Panama Canal.

(10)    Speaking of water… yes, there is plenty of water but the water distribution systems are not what you are familiar with.  Some rural areas have water delivered in a small PVC pipe that gets busted occasionally.  That means low water pressure at your house or no water.  In the dry season, there may not be enough water pressure so it is important that you rent or buy a house that has a large reserve water tank so you have consistent water pressure.  Other areas have more modern water delivery systems.  In some areas, the water is treated in other areas it is not.  So you really need to have a good water filter system at your house.  Take all this into consideration when you select a place to live.

(11)    Panama is a Spanish-speaking country.   In Panama City, Coronado and Boquete English are widely spoken.  But in other areas, it is not. Even in the areas where English is widely spoken, not everyone will speak English. If you want to live in a Spanish-speaking country, you need to learn some Spanish.

(12)    Getting things done like opening a bank account, getting a driver’s license, auto registration, or even getting mail will be more complicated.  It will get done, but your patience will be tested.

(13)    Panama has small earthquakes.  In the last 12 months, I have felt 3 small tremors.  They usually last 1-2 seconds.  If you are sitting still, you will feel them.  If you are driving or moving around you probably won’t feel them at all.

(14)  I will throw in one more… There is poverty in Panama but it is not as bad as other South American or Central American countries I have visited.  The Indian tribes are most affected by poverty because many of them have no skills and only make $25 – $30 a day.  But Panamanians are proud people so you rarely see anyone begging for money.


Some relocate to Panama for purely economic reasons, others move to Panama for political reasons, and some are just ready for a new adventure.  Regardless of the reason, these are the things you can enjoy when living in Panama:

  • Low utility costs (if you live in an area where you don’t need air conditioning) + 25% discount if you have a Visa
  • Affordable health care – $2 to 20 to see a doctor (not a co pay)
  • Affordable health insurance – in 2021, at age 64, a friend pays $2560 for worldwide health insurance with $500 deductible. I have Panama health insurance for $102 per month
  • No wars, no military
  • Very strong economy
  • Very low crime in most areas
  • Fresh air
  • Fresh fish from both coasts
  • Great produce and fruit supply  – some organic
  • Great soil to grow your own food
  • Government leaves you alone and has less rules and regulations
  • Low or no taxes in Panama
  • If US citizen, you can take advantage of the $107,600 Foreign Earned Income Exemption
  • No hurricanes, No snow, No tornadoes
  • Consistent weather year round – no extremes
  • Visible improvements happening all over the country .. for the better
  • Panamanians not divided with conflict from strong left or strong right political parties
  • Incredibly beautiful scenery
  • A lot of opportunity
  • Small country so you can go to two Oceans or the mountains in a day…. Driving
  • Friendly and supportive expats… almost always
  • Friendly and supportive Panamanians… almost always
  • Panamanians do not have an entitlement mentality
  • I could go on and on…
panama relocation tours

Come check out Panama during a 6-day all-inclusive Panama Relocation Tour to decide if living in a developing country is worth the trade-offs.  Panama is just right for some.  But Panama is too big of an adjustment for others who want everything to be like it is back home… wherever that might be.

Panama Relocation Tours will NOT sugar-coat what life is like in Panama.  You will learn about the good things and the bad things about life in Panama.   I will share my current personal experiences about living in Panama and so will all the other expats you meet with during the tour.  The country is changing so quickly, you need to know what it is like being an expat in Panama this month.

For me personally, I can tell you that my only regret is that I did not come to Panama to check it out 10 or 20 years ago then move here sooner.

Panama Relocation GuideIf you’re not a group tour kind of person…

We also offer instant access to the Online Panama Relocation Guide which has all the same information as a Panama Relocation Tour but you can learn from the comfort of your home.  You’ll get a lot of information about the best places to live in Panama so you can narrow down your search to the ideal temperature and location that fits your budget.  Then come check out Panama on your own – no group, no schedule!  The Online Panama Relocation Guide contains our Rolodex of reliable contacts like immigration lawyers, honest real estate agents, property managers, whee to buy health insurance for 40% less, how to get your pets into Panama, and much much more!


Here is one person’s perspective:

Soup Campbell came on a Panama Relocation Tour then moved to Volcan/Cerra Punta in 2013.  He says Panama is like the USA was in the 1960s.  Since he knows what the changes were like in the USA between 1960 and 2014 – it is easy to know what the changes will be like in Panama except they will happen faster because the technology has already been invented… but it’s just not all in Panama yet.  It will be a fun ride!

Here’s what Ann and Ken Bruce who attended the May 2014 tour have to say about the tour

What a way to experience Panama!  You can sit in a hotel conference room and be bombarded with disjoined information until you are numb on both ends or you can travel through, see, and participate in THE REAL PANAMA with knowledgeable people, Jackie and Richard, and with a great group of observers, like yourself.

From the cities to the beaches to the mountains, Panama has it all.  We live in Florida, so the mountains, especially beautiful Boguete, really appealed to us. The visits to the expat’s homes were really neat!

Jackie and Richard tell it how it is! And we certainly saw a broad  spectrum of Panamanian life. Throughout the tour we were well taken care of.  Thank you again for such a great tour.  We’ll be back!

James Davis in Boquete Panama

James Davis came on the very first tour in 2010 and how lives happily in Boquete Panama where he hikes 3 times a week, does ocean kayaking, enjoys organic produce and even got a dog…

For all you folks out there looking for a really great place to retire, you need to look real hard at Panama. And the way to do that is to take Jackie’s overview tour and check out some really good retirement areas. If you are like many, you will be very tired of the hassles of living in big cities, like Panama City, and want to check out some quieter surroundings like the beach or the mountains, then this tour is for you.
Jackie has conducted this tour for small groups for MANY years and has located a most outstanding Panamanian guide who is exceedingly well informed about all things Panama and he drives the group to selected locations with very different geographies.
Now this is not a house buying tour where real estate agents try to sell you their houses, but an opportunity to see a whole lot of Panama and decide if Panama is the right destination for you.

Or read what Marilyn Leff from the April 2014 tour experienced:

If you are considering or only curious about having a presence in Panama, you can do no better than to take this tour. Jackie Lange and her daughter Melissa have arranged a near seamless experience packed full of important information presented in a vacation-like, relaxed program. We traveled to a number of places on the pacific side of the country exposing us to a variety of towns, living choices and lifestyles. We met people who can assist with a move, people who have moved who shared their experiences and saw many options.
Though Chiriqui province was very charming, I am going to return to Panama to look at another area that has piqued my interest and may be the place for me. This tour has made me very positive about Panama, its “way of doing things” and its people. Even after the 6 books I read before arriving, Jackie gave us so much more important information and so many contacts, it was priceless.
Our accommodations were varied through the tour, a taste of the choices one has in Panama. The same spectrum was shown in housing options. There is apparently a wide choice of lifestyles available in Panama and places to enjoy them, two coasts, mountains, small towns, big cities. They have it all.

Panama Relocation Tours
Admiring the view at Coronado Bay

Ric Winstead made the move to Panama after attending the Panama Relocation Tour.  Here’s what he had to say:

Thank you again for a uniquely wonderful and informative trip.  It was exactly what I was looking for.  As a person seriously interested in relocating to Panama, the trip fit the bill perfectly.  I truly appreciated the breadth of detail of necessary information about the relocation process, the introductions to helpful local resources, contacts, and a variety of people who had relocated. It was especially helpful to have the time to ask questions and explore their experiences. The written manual and map will be a great reference as I take my next steps.

The trip itself provided real and helpful experience of the variety of climates, locations, and communities where people are relocating- from the Pacific beaches to mountain towns.  Everything remained lazer-focused on relocation. The pros and cons were explored without sugar-coating or sales.  We experienced Panama as it is from the perspective of relocation.  It is not a tour in the usual sense.  It is way more.
Jackie takes the time to understand each person’s interest and readiness to relocate and makes sure she answers your questions, or puts you in contact with someone who can.  Her focus is to provide the information you need to make a decision and to successfully relocate.  It is unique and remarkable and she continuously adapts the trip to refine and improve the experience.

The entire trip was expertly managed, from initial contact and booking, through each day’s agenda. It is clear that everyone makes the extra effort.  Jackie and her team made sure everything worked- the bus and driver were exceptional, the itinerary and timing worked for stops, meals, breaks to see the different locations, and the hotels along the way all flowed smoothly. Thanks to the evident knowledge of the country, careful planning, flexibility, and hard work of the team everything flowed smoothly with no gaps or gaffs..  All was focused on making this an exceptional experience.  And they delivered!

Lorelei Gilmore

I recommend without qualification taking a trip with Jackie’s Panama Relocation Tours for all who are contemplating relocation. At least once.
The information provided during the tour helps people make an informed decision to relocate to Panama (or not) and how to make the transition as easy as possible.  Lorilei Gilmore lives in a great apartment in the premier gated community, Valle Escondido.  Here’s what she says about the Panama Relocation Tours:

Thank you, Jackie, for having the foresight to provide this tour for those of us interested in relocating to Panama. I so enjoyed the February 2012 Panama Relocation Tour. It was a wonderful experience and I have just recently moved to Boquete, Panama. It was definitely worth the money spent as I could never duplicate what we did on this tour, the experiences we all had, and the stress-free atmosphere that prevailed throughout the tour. Truthfully, had I not booked this tour I probably would not be living here today.


2014 July Panama Relocation Tour
2014 July Panama Relocation Tours

Jackie Lange

Jackie Lange is the founder of Panama Relocation Tours and lives in the highlands of Boquete Panama. She has helped thousands of people relocate to Panama.

Reader Interactions


  1. Richard Detrich says

    Great article!

  2. Soup Campbell says

    One of the best articles I have read as far as a checklist of ones expectations. Everyone is different and expects different things. Their past experiences are individual as are their responses to current situations. How you handle these differences define you as an individual and your ultimate experience.

    • Panama Relocation Tours says

      HI Dennis. Thanks. I agree with your comment that Panama has a “veneer of 1st world” LOOK but honestly I think it is much more STABLE than the USA or other 1st world countries. Because there is not the constant fighting between the left and right, more things get done in Panama. Even the ideology of the Panamanian people is not dreatically divided like it is in the USA. In the USA democrats see a very different future for the USA than conservatives – that battle is killing the soul of the country. The immigration issue in the USA is a good example. Luckily, Panamanians are pretty much on the same page so it is not a nation divided. Life in Panama WILL take some adjustments. Some are up to the challenge. Others are not.

  3. Robin martin says

    Thinking of possible retirement

  4. Peter says

    I am an Australian and i am looking for a life change myself….I have been looking at Panama etc etc and would like to meet and discuss with people…..do you have any open forums or people that i could talk to on facebook or somewhere like that……Australia is a long way from Panama and it is not as easy for me to get there as it is from the US….are there any ausies living there
    Cheers Peter

    • Panama Relocation Tours says

      HI Peter

      We have several Aussie’s in the Boquete area. I’m sure that there are many more throughout the country.


    I’m contemplating pensionado life style change in Panama buy am very concerned about cost of health care insurance. Authof article mentions >>Affordable health care .. I pay $2460 a year worldwide health insuranceo >>

    What company offers this? And what are options for Panama only comprehensive health insurance? For that matter, is there dental insurance.

    Thank you very much.

  6. Scott says

    I am a Canadian living near Toronto. Things are just getting SO EXPENSIVE here. Property taxes on a 40 X 112 foot lot are over $2000.00/year, groceries have gone up recently and as winter is here the quality of fresh fruits and veggies is crap. I can’t afford to eat organic as it is almost twice as expensive than regular food and so we eat more processed food to compensate.

    I am Type II diabetic on insulin and even though we have provincial health insurance, there are a lot of things not covered by our OHIP (Ontario Health Insurance Program). Things such as doctor’s notes ($20.00), certain lab tests, such as a PSA test for prostate ($80.00) eye exams for non diabetics ($40.00) or eye map photographs ($60.00). Our additional work coverages usually are co-pay where the primary insurer pays 80% coverage and spouse’s coverage pays the rest, or if both spouses don’t work, only 80% coverage is usually available. Now, most companies have gotten away from paying health benefits to employees, but offer group benefits, that the employee still has to pay for out of each pay cheque.

    Currently I drive tractor trailer, but I am 54 years old and I can’t do this job forever, As it is right now, I don’t ever see myself retiring if I remain in Canada. My house was built in 1942 and is not worth that much on the real estate market, so I can’t retire on the proceeds from a sale. I do have a pension from my former career as a computer and LAN specialist, but it seems to be getting smaller each year as the economy changes for the worse and I don’t know how to invest it to get it to perform better, so retirement is not possible at this point in my life, again, if I remain in Canada.

    I have some woodworking skills and was considering starting my own boutique guitar making business (mostly electric guitars and basses), but I have no start up capital to buy some necessary tools and equipment and I’m not good enough to build them with just hand tools. Boat building (multihulls) is another interest of mine but again, I need a shop that’s big enough to build a boat and store my tools in.

    I think that I would like to semi-retire and earn part time while doing something I want to do and not what I have to do to pay the bills. Currently as a truck driver I work about 60 – 65 hours a week.

    I am interested in finding out what I can do to supplement an income with part time work or a business that doesn’t cost $1,000,000.00 to start up, live and work in.

    Panama sounds great to me, all our children are adults now, with one married, one in university and the last one getting ready to do an apprenticeship in the spring, although still living at home.

    Does anyone know of any boat builders or instrument makers willing to hire on a semi-retired man ?

    Are there any jobs that can be found to support semi-retirement ?

    My wife is currently in the automotive business as a quality auditor for a GM (General Motors) support company. Again, wages are not great, but the income helps give us a little extra to put towards savings, date nights, help out the kids etc …

    Any replies and information would be greatly appreciated by us and we are very social people who have a small group of really close friends and a lot of acquaintances. We would enjoy meeting new people !

    • Panama Relocation Tours says

      HI Scott

      Your story is all to common with expats who move to Panama.

      I’m sure there are boat builders and guitar builders in Panama, but I’m afraid I don’t know who they are. A google search should turn up some results.

      Understand that you would need to get a work permit to work in Panama. That means you’ll need to get a Friendly Nations Visa which includes a work permit. And YES, you can still get all the pensionado discounts even if you get a Friendly Nations visa… so long as you are over 60.

      Come see how life can be BETTER in Panama

  7. Sharon says

    I am a retired elementary teacher. How difficult would it be, and what would the market be, for teaching DEL in Panama to supplement my retirement income?

    • Panama Relocation Tours says

      Sorry, I don’t know what DEL is but you can certainly be a teacher in Panama is you get a visa with a work permit. There are many international schools throughout the country who would love to hire someone with teaching skills. Or you could do private tutoring. I’d suggest the Friendly Nations Visa which includes a work permit. You would still qualify for all pensionado discounts if you are at least 55 years old. Let me know if you have other questions

  8. Denise Endicott says

    considering relocating to Casdo Viejo , I am 63 in great health, husband is 61 and has many medical issure, diabetes, heart, he is on the heart transplant list here in Florida, he has now a machine attached to his heart that keeps him alive until a heart can be found for him. I read somewhere , that a person needs to be in good health to relocate to Panama. Please clarify, and do any of the hospitals in Panama do heart transplants? I am an RN for 36 years critical care and ER mainly, I would want to do part time work. Please give guidance on how my husband and I can relocate to Panama.
    Denise Endicott 407-687-0876

    • Panama Relocation Tours says

      HI Denise

      Panama will allow people to move to Panama who have health problems but not communicable diseases like HIV or Aids or other transmitable diseases.

      Your husband would not be able to get insurance in Panama for at least 1 year, and then it would only cover 50% of his pre-existing conditions.

      I don’t know if those treatments are available but I would think they are. You might check the Punta Pacifica hospital web site for specialist then contact them directly.

      A friend in Texas was also on the heart transplant list. He came to Panama for stem cell treatments to his heart and it cured his heart within 3 months. See details at https://www.celllmedicine.com/ Panama’s stem cell research facilities also have a 85% cure rate for MS and other diseases.

      Some professions are protected for Panamanians only, like a doctor, nurse, counselor, engineer, architect, etc. You’ll need to consult with a Panama attorney about how you might be able to offer a consulting service – but you could ONLY do this if you get a work permit. Immigration is really cracking down on people who have pensionado visas but are working in the country, even part time. This is not allowed and it really pisses off Panamanians to see expats breaking the law.

      Even if you get a Friendly Nations visa, you will still qualify for the pensionado discounts if you meet the age requirements of 55 for women and 60 for men. You can get a work permit with the Friendly Nations visa.

  9. jerome Czajkowski says


    • Jackie Lange says

      Glad you liked the article

  10. Fire says

    Hi Jackie,
    I understand the sewage system may not allow flushing toilet paper or electricity may fail sporadically in some regions, but is this the case even in nice condos in Panama City and gated community villas in Coronado?

    • Jackie Lange says

      Some businesses have signs to not flush the toilet paper. Most landlords do not have a problem with you flushing toilet paper. Electricity and internet will go out once in a while no matter where you live in Panama.

  11. Edwin Fernandez says

    Any of these can consider deal breakers. Is a great article that mentioned the reality. Is just how things are in Panama. Can’t wait to join PRT and retire in beautiful Panama.

    • Jackie Lange says

      any of these 13 things can be a deal breaker for some. But most people are willing to accept Panama for what it is — a beautiful place to start over!

  12. Judy Gunnels says

    I have a 7 yo granddaughter that lives with me. How are the schools and extracurricular activities?

    • Jackie Lange says

      The public schools do not have a very good reputation. But the private schools are excellent. Extracurricular activities depends on where you live.

  13. David Bartula says

    My wife and I went on a PRT. It’s really important to note that “Panama is not for me” is a perfectly valid answer, and one that is best arrived at BEFORE you go through the expense and effort to move your life to Panama. Jackie will give you the truth that will help you make a good decision, which is in short supply these days. And the advice to try it first – solid! We did a couple multi-month visits before deciding we needed to be closer to our children. Panama is lovely, just not for us at the moment.

    • Jackie Lange says

      David, you’re so right! Making the decision NOT to move to Panama is just as important as making the decision to move to Panama. Panama is not right for everyone. Moving to a foreign country is not for everyone.

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