There are only two seasons in Panama – the dry season and the rainy season. The temperature doesn’t change much, but the amount of rain and wind do.
The dry season is from mid-December to mid-April. It is more windy during the dry season. By the end of the dry season, most people who live in Panama cannot wait for the rains to start. During the dry season, there is not much rain. At lower elevations, it is especially dry, so grass turns brown. In higher elevations, it’s usually still green all year.
Starting about mid-April, we start getting rain again. Usually, the rainy season starts slow, with a little rain in the late afternoon (about 4 pm) a few times a week. Gradually, as the rainy season progresses, the rains may start a little earlier in the day and/or rain 3-4 times a week.
Rarely does it rain all day. Rarely is there rain in the morning. Panama mornings are absolutely beautiful, with blue skies and birds singing everywhere. The morning air is especially fresh if we had rain the night before.
In late September, we start getting rain more often. It might rain 5-6 times a week in the late afternoon, starting about 4 or 5 pm. The big finale for the rainy season happens in November. In November, it could start raining at about 2 or 3 pm every day and rain for 30-60 minutes or longer. Usually, by mid-November, the rains subside as we start easing back into the dry season.
So, the rainy season is not as bad as you might think. People in Panama learn to plan their day around the possibility of rain in the late afternoon. It’s good for you to see what the rainy season is like in Panama too.
The rainy season is my favorite time of year. Everything is lush and green. Flowers are popping out everywhere. And the sound of the rain is relaxing.
Here are 7 tips that will help you adjust to the rainy season in Panama:
- 1. Always have an umbrella with you. Keep one or two umbrellas in your car. Have an umbrella by the front door of your house. The small compact umbrellas don’t take up much room. If you don’t like using an umbrella, use a poncho. Many “dollar” stores sell ponchos that fold up to 2” x 3” x 1/2”. Keep several ponchos in the glove box of your car too.
- During the rainy season, if we get a huge amount of rain, it could cause a power outage. Not always, but it could happen. So you need to be prepared. Have portable lanterns, flashlights, or candles readily available. A power outage is usually 15 – 30 minutes. But it could be longer. Sometimes the evening rains could cause a tree to fall on the road and take down power lines. If there’s no electricity, there’s no internet service to your house, but you can still use the internet on your cell phone.
- Matches! Always have matches available. You use them to light a candle. But mostly, you use them to start the gas stove so you can still cook if there is a power outage. Most homes in Panama have a gas stove. In addition to your electric coffee pot, you should also have a French Press for making coffee without electricity. I think coffee tastes better made with a French Press.
Hang Damprid in your closet. DampRid is an amazing product that absorbs moisture. DampRid has a product with a hanger on the top so you can hang it in your closet or the bathroom door. This will keep your clothes from getting moldy. Damprid has other products in decorative bowls that you can sit around your house to absorb any excess moisture in the air. Of course, you could also use a dehumidifier, but they use electricity. DampRid does not use electricity.
- In lower elevations, below 2000 feet, you will likely get a mold film on your solid surfaces like countertops or coffee tables UNLESS you have a dehumidifier or a ceiling fan going all the time. You may need to clean these surfaces daily with a Clorox solution mixed with water. We don’t have that problem at higher elevations like Boquete or Volcan.
- Living in a place where I can have my windows open to get fresh air all day is so wonderful. But when the rains start, it is time to close the windows to keep the moisture out of the house. If you have a ceiling fan, turn it on to keep the air circulating.
- Plan your day to get all your errands finished by 2 pm. Go to the bank, pick up mail, meet friends for lunch, then buy groceries so you can head home before the rains start. Statistics prove that driving in the rain is more dangerous everywhere, not just in Panama. There are more auto accidents when it rains. So plan to be off the roads before the rains start. If necessary, get off the road, go to a restaurant, and wait out the rain over dinner.
- Here’s one more… always schedule morning domestic flights during the rainy season. If it rains in the afternoon, there’s a good chance your flight will be canceled. Air Panama and Copa, the leading domestic flight operators, cancel or delay flights if it rains. Even if it is dry in one city, the flight could be canceled if it is raining in the destination city.
The rainy season is only a problem if you are outside with no umbrella when it starts pouring down rain. Getting soaking wet is no fun.
Driving in the rain is more dangerous too. Sometimes it rains so hard it is very difficult to see to drive, so it’s better to just pull over until the rain stops or slows down.
Living in Panama will teach you to plan your day around the rain. Try to get all your errands done in the mornings so you can be home before 2 pm.
Everyone I know in Panama prefers the rainy season to the dry season. The rains make everything lush and green.
Come see what the rainy season is like in Panama.
Join us for an all-inclusive 6-day, 7-night Panama Relocation Tour.
During the tours, our bus usually pulls into hotels by 4 pm…before the rains start. And our big comfortable bus has luggage storage under the bus to keep your clothes dry.
I got raingear; PNW resident here!
Hi Mike
I still live here in the PNW and lived here all my life and I really hate the rain. I am pretty sure I will feel the same when I move to Panama but I will have to tolerate it to enjoy everything else there. Nice to meet a fellow PNW person❣🥰🙂
The Azuero Peninsula gets a LOT less rain. That might be a better place to settle
After thinking the same about the rain having lived in New Orleans for 5 years I am surprised to now say I love the rainy season more than I ever have. It’s different. I love seeing people out in it with their umbrellas and the kids riding their bikes. There’s just something about it. Reminds me of being a kid I guess and at 72 that’s a cool thing to feel.
Panamanians don’t let the rain stop them from doing anything.
We visited Boquete during the rainy season and found it to be just fine. As an expat we met said,” by 3 we take our social security nap”. Although we don’t nap much we enjoyed having an afternoon coffee either at our Air BnB or hanging out at a local coffee shop where we met lovely Panamaians and expats and developed a friendly connection with our barista’s. Once the rain stopped we walked home in the fresh air.The rain is always a wonderful time for reading. It was lovely in a light rain to sit on our balcony with a coffee and good book. We are in the process of moving to boquete thanks to you and your fabulous resources.
Rhonda, the rains can be very relaxing. And the air smells so fresh after a rain.
I just wish I had had a guide like this before moving to the USA from Australia ! The pitfalls I could have avoided !
This is great information, Before I read this article, I was having a hard time making a decision on what month I would like to take Jackie’s tour. This article taught me white rainy season actually means. Now I know to plan my, (Jacques relocation tour) during the rainy season .
John Ashcraft, Tyler, Texas
Rain sounds much better than snow and you don’t have to shovel it and much less likely to slip on it.
Good to know about humidity at elevations and if you collect anything made with iron you’ll know how to prevent them from corrosion.
I love rain most days. Now I think I’d like to take the tour during Panama’s rainy season. Thanks for making it sound so great.
Great advice!!
hey hey…at least its a WARM rain, right? beats 32 degrees and raining, like up here. i am SOooo, there!
yes, it’s still warm weather, even when it is raining
A wide brimmed hat and a military grade/surplus poncho is better than an umbrella because both hands are free. Most poncho’s will roll up tight and can fit in a smaller pouch or handbag. After the monsoons in Vietnam and the PNW rains, I have learned to deal with the rain.
Good advice if you plan to spend much time in the rain.
Ideally, you plan your day to be home by 3pm so you can avoid the need for more than an umbrella.
Hi Jackie,
I would rather be swimming in a nice in ground pool than getting drenched and my hair and clothes being messed up with that rain downpour❣🥰🙂
Jackie, I think only you could make the rainy season sound so appealing. Sounds like nap time to me! LOL
I love the rainy season. It is much better than the dry season. Everything is so lush and fresh.
I have booked a trip to Panama cocle beach all inclusive resort 13-18th and 10 day forcast is rain.. im discouraged an sad thinking ill hate it an it will just rain the whole time no sun no fun an its our only vaca without kids.. any advice should i rebook? Bc when i look it up says 60% all days an it shows rain all hours of day not stopping
You will probably only have rain in the late afternoon and not every day. The best time to visit Panama to avoid rain is mid-December to mid-April. That’s the day season with very little rain
What a terrific guide! I lived in Panama fot25 years. And yes, the rains were frequent in the wet season. But beautiful ! We joked that “yesterday’s newspaper was today’s umbrella! I’m sure you are enticing many! It’s a wonderful life!
Thanks Gail! I love that saying that “yesterday’s newspaper is today’s umbrella!
Oh and just think of all the books that can be read while watching the rain!
Thank you very much for all your advices Jackie. That’s really wonderful.
I hope it is okay, to ask you a few questions? I am planning to move to Panama, just haven’t made up my mind yet.
If you live near the Ocean (what I would prefer), how is the humidity there? What about books? I have lots of them, are they in danger? And how many DampRid you need for a normal closet? And how long does it last?
Thank you very much if you could answer.
If you live near the ocean, it is more humid. You will need to have your books in an air-conditioned room or use a dehumidifier to protect them from mold.
Hi Jackie, Thanks for the information. I’m thinking about retiring to Panama, but I am a bit concerned about the rainy season. Not so much the rain, but is is also cloudy all day. I mean is there no SUN from May thru November?
Also, I have a child that would be attending high school when I move. Right now, I am focused on Coronado area. Any thoughts on schools (PCIS or other)?
We may be visiting in August, would like info on a possible private tour as well.
During most of the rainy season, you wake up to blue skies and sunshine. The rain usually starts in the late afternoon. But in October and November, there could be rain all day.
Maybe it’s because I grew up in the center of Italy where the sky is blue 320 days of the year but rain is the only thing I don’t like about Panama. The sad part is not the rain but the constant grey sky.
in Panama, you almost always wake up to blue skies and sunshine. It rarely gets cloudy or rainy until after 2pm and certainly not every day during the rainy season
Hi Jackie! Does anyone wear rain gear? I recently bought a full outfit – rain jacket and pants — thinking I would need them in Panama. Sounds like probably not! Maybe even too warm for such gear? Do hikers use rain gear if they’re going for an all-day hike?
Thanks for this very helpful article!
HI Laree. It’s rare to see anyone in rain gear unless someone works outside. All you need is an umbrella. Hikes are scheduled for mornings so you can avoid the rain.
I’m curious if wildfires are much of an issue during Panama’s dry season? To me, the
extended rainy season in Panama has a huge upside; that being minimal risk from wildfires and the accompanying smoke.
I’ve witnessed a dramatic degradation in air quality in the US just in the last few years due to the huge smoke plumes from the mega fires. I live in Colorado and there we get hit from fires locally and all the way west to California. I never considered Canada to be a source of wildfire smoke. Well, of course myself and much of the country learned otherwise this smoky summer of 2023!
So anyway, I for one would be willing to endure the “oppressiveness” of cloudy wet skies rather than be trapped in dangerous and unhealthy smoke.
Thomas, Wildfires are rarely a problem during the dry season. But farmers do a controlled burn of their crops in the dry season so that can create smoke in some areas (not all)
I migrated to isla de bahia 15 years ago. . would you be kind enough to give me a comparison between Panama an Hounduras. Thanks in advance for your time.
David I have never lived in Houndoras so I cannot offer a comparison.
Hello. I am considering relocating to Panama. I am concerned about allergies. My significant older suffers from sinus issues making it difficult to breathe and sleep at night. A YouTuber in Panama explained how badly he suffers. Do you have any idea what cities may compliment such a person?
HI Tish
In Texas, my husband had to get injections for allergies. When we moved to Panama, his allergies went away
Everyone is different. You need to come see how YOU react to Panama.
Tell me about bugs. I would expecct a lot of them. Are houses hard to keep free of bugs? My wife dislikes ants in the kitchen, and of course cockroaches. I don’t like mosquitoes. I have experience in Ha; is it similar?
Hi Mike. Panama is in the tropics so there will be bugs. In Boquete, the only things I found in my house sometimes were spiders and scorpions. Scorpions were more in the dry season. See this article for other “critters” you may encounter