Richard Detrick and Nikki Steele have lived in Boquete Panama 16 years. Watch this video to learn why they decided to retire in Panama. See their beautiful Tuscan style home on a 4 acre coffee farm in Palmira which is about 10 minutes from downtown Boquete. Richard also shares his best and worst experiences in Panama and his biggest fears/frustrations about living in Panama. Be sure to watch to the end of the video when Richard shares his recommendation for anyone considering relocating to Panama. Richard sometimes joins us for dinner during the tour and he has some articles about life in Panama on his blog at
Here are some views from Richard and Nikki’s back patio. It’s lush and green all year with daytime temperatures in the mid-70s and evening temperatures in the mid-60s. You never get tired of the weather or these amazing views!
Another interesting & informative video from a long time ex pat! Are there coffee farms open to the public or are they all private?
Some of the coffee farms offer tours. With some you even get to roast your own coffee then take it home.
This video is wonderful!!! I am retired and in Canada and bracing for another long, cold winter. To see the tropical vegetation and beautiful landscape of Panama and hear from some one who has lived there for 16 years is incredible.
Planning my visit to Panama, hopefully on Jackie’s relocation tour (it is pretty booked) and cannot wait to see Boquete.
HI Gayle. Glad you enjoyed the video. You can get on the back up list at
If we get a cancellation, you’ll be notified. But it would be a good idea to sign up for a tour as soon as possible. We can always moved your deposit over to a different tour if something sooner becomes available
Thanks so much for another great video Jackie. Richard is awesome. I’m glad for him and his wife. Great information. I’ll definitely have to look into getting his book. I don’t think I’ll be able to come on your tour for about a year but I will watch every video. ;)
HI Anna, So glad you are enjoying the videos. Better book early, we are selling out 6 months in advance! We have our 2021 dates posted at
Very cool! I’d like to experience much like Richard has. Adopt and adapt into into friendly new place. Thanks Jackie for this great interview! Folks, you’ll be better for signing-on for a PRT, very soon.
I’m a go for March 2020!
Take care,
Oregon Mike
Hey Mike, THANKS for signing up for the March 2020 tour. I really look forward to meeting you and showing you how amazing life is in Panama!
Folks, let this article be your ice-breaker, too! Sentiment!
The People’s Republic of Panama…why not?