The first lessons, The Top 10 Reasons to Retire in Panama is below.
These are some of the topics:
> Cost of Living in Panama
> Retiree Benefits and Visa Options
> Healthcare and Health Insurance
> Best Places to Retire in Panama
> Panama Seasons & Weather
> Banking in Panama
> 13 Things The Offshore Gurus Will Not Tell You… but you need to know
I live close to Boquete. But I have explored all over Panama so I’m glad to answer your questions about other areas. I’ve also lived in 4 countries, moved 22 times and visited 26 countries so I know a thing or two about living overseas and relocating.
So, when I decided to move away from the United States, my number ONE criteria was to find a place where I could live where I’d never need an air conditioner or heater again. Beautiful scenery would be a plus. A stable government and economy were important too.
I found everything I wanted in Boquete Panama… plus many more benefits!
Since 2010, I’ve been conducting Panama Relocation Tours and talked to thousands of people from all over the world who are considering retiring in Panama. I also know a lot of people who have retired in Panama. These are their 10 top reasons for considering retirement in Panama:
1. More affordable living. Many have said if they stay in the country where they live now they will need to work the rest of their life. For most, their biggest expenses are health care and taxes (including property taxes plus Federal and State taxes). My international health insurance is $2500 per YEAR and it covers me in the USA, Panama or any other country. I have zero property taxes in Panama for the next 12 years for my house and property. Instead of $400 per month for electric and $70 per month for water, I now pay closer to $30 per month for electric and $60 per year for water.
2. Weather. No more snow to shovel. No more hot summers. Harsh weather plus soaring utility costs, including water, are causing many to look beyond their borders for a better place to live. Air quality is an important factor too. There is no snow in Panama. But if you don’t like the heat you need to stay away from Panama City and other towns close to the coast. In Panama you can select your ideal temperature by changing your elevation where you live.
3. Get away from constant political conflict. Uunfortunately some expat blogs are still full of it – but at least you can opt out of their mailing list. Panama has some conflicts too but for the most part everyone is on the same page to keep the economy moving in the right direction, create jobs, keep debt at a minimum, and encourage investments. It is a refreshing change!
4. A more stable economy. Panama consistently has a GDP of 6% according to Trading Economics. The International Monetary Fund is even more optimistic, calculating this year’s GDP growth at 6.9 percent, the highest in the whole of Latin America. According to BBVA Research, the main driver of the economy will be investment, together with private consumption prompted by an all-time low unemployment, which was 2.9 percent, the lowest in the region.
5. Less government rules and regulations which affect every aspect of your life. During my last tour, we met with a couple who just finished building a house in Panama. After getting their building permit, they only had to get electrical and plumbing inspections before they got their final inspections for a certificate of occupancy. That would never happen in most countries. Starting a business is easy too. In Panama, there are not hundreds of agencies with alphabet soup titles to watch over everything you do. Capitalism is alive in well in Panama and welcome.
6. New adventure. Get away from the same old, same old. Panama is appealing because it is a small country with so much diversity. You can be at the Pacific Ocean, the mountains, and Caribbean Sea all in the same day ….without getting on an airplane. If you time it right, you could drive to Costa Rica the same day too!
7. New opportunities. There is so much opportunity in Panama! Many of the conveniences you are familiar with in your country may not exist in Panama… that spells opportunity to provide that product or service to a brand new audience in Panama.
8. Avoid growing racial/religious conflicts. Apparently this is a real problem in many countries. Luckily, in Panama everyone just gets along regardless of race or religion. For hundreds of years, people from all over the world have been moving to Panama. Originally it was to help build the Panama Canal. Now it it for the tremendous opportunities available in Panama. So, Panamanians are comfortable with foreigners living in Panama.
9. Move to a country where there is personal responsibility and entitlement mentality does not exist! No one in Panama has their hand out for food stamps, free housing, free cell phones, and unemployment benefits. If someone can’t work, their family helps then out until they get a new job and get back on their feet. Family values are strong in Panama.
10. Experience a less stressful and healthy way of life. Tranquilo! This is a combination of all 10 reasons rolled in to one. By removing the stress of high costs of living, economic instability, political conflict, racial conflict, government regulations, hot or cold weather, etc. … combined with more adventure and opportunity… you can live a better quality of life in Panama with less stress. Combine all of this with an abundance of fresh vegetables and fish year round, you can have a more healthy life style in Panama. Many people I know have been able to get off all medications after moving to Panama.
Come see how wonderful retirement can be in Panama! Join us for a 6-day 7-night all-inclusive Panama Relocation Tour. See details at www.PanamaRelocationTours.com/tours
OR, if you’re not a tour group kind of person, get INSTANT ACCESS to our Online Panama Relocation Guide. It has the same information that you’d get on a Panama Relocation Tour to help you relocate to Panama the easy, stress-free way. You’ll even get out rolodex of reliable and honest immigration lawyers, property managers/real estate agents, and much more.
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