On January 25th we had a marathon LIVE Q & A Conference call. There were 263 people on the call. People were lined up a mile (it seemed like) to ask a question so I kept answering them! Some people waited more than an hour to ask their question so there was no way I was going to cut off the Q & A Conference Call until every single person who was in line got their question asked and answered.
With so many people on the call and so many questions, this Q&A Call is more than 2 hours long. That’s a long replay to listen to so you may want to divide listening to the replay in to several segments… just note the time stamp when you stop so you can restart at the same place when you listen again.
Panama Relocation Tours has been offering relocation tours in Panama since 2010 and we’ve completed 117 relocation tours! We have the experience you can trust, and need, when making a decision to relocate to Panama. During our 6-day 7-night all-inclusive Panama Relocation Tours you’ll get to see the most popular places to retire in Panama, learn all the things you need to know to have a smooth and easy transition, meet expats and experts throughout Panama and much more.
As someone said during the call, “We Take the Scary Out of Moving to Panama!”
This was the first time I listen to a Q &A it was very informative. Looking forward to doing a tour soon.
Glad you enjoyed the Q & A Conference call
Any cancellations or concerns about COVID-19? I’m not scheduled until September, but..?
We understand many of your are concerned about the COVID-19 coronavirus and how it might impact upcoming tours. We share your same concerns and are monitoring the situation closely. Our number one priority is the health and safety of our tour guests, our staff, and the communities we visit during our tours. Our March 20, April 3, April 10, and April 17 tours have been cancelled. Most people moved to tour a later in the year. As for our other tours dates, we are taking a day-to-day approach and will update those booked for a tour, if needed, as we receive new information. Hopefully, this situation will be resolved long before your September tour dates.